Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Knowledgeable Week

I took a recent trip to Florida to visit family. As amazing as it was to be home with family and friends, spending time back in Gainesville made me realize that I made the right decision to leave. I still find myself craving the life of a small town and I hope to be back in one someday, but at this point in my life I need to be exploring what a big city has to offer.

I left Florida, confident in my new life and ready to delight it its potential. I began realizing the importance of where my life is right now and I started trying to find ways to enjoy it. I've been home a week and have spent each day practicing my French, reading, expanding myself at work and exploring my surroundings.

I feel like this has been a week of knowledge and advancement for me, which is important as I believe that knowledge is one of the most powerful things you can have in this world. I read Ernest Hemingway's, The Sun Also Rises. It was so interesting to read a different kind of writing style and it inspired me to write a poem, which I shall be sharing on an upcoming post. I've been practicing my French at work while I am walking around in the cold. I just walk up and down aisles saying, "Je mange une pomme rouge" and "Le chat a un poisson." It is quite the thrill.

My weekends are becoming more routine. Thursdays I nap after work then spend the rest of the day cleaning and running errands. Thursday evenings include reading or movies. Fridays are my Karli days- I usually explore an area that I've been interested in, spend time thrifting for new treasures, or get an inexpensive massage from a very nice, little Chinese man that I've met. Friday nights include outings with friends followed by Saturday farmer's market and something outdoorsy.

This Friday I went to explore a restaurant that someone told me about. It was in a little country town which was so much fun to drive around in. As I drove, I indulged myself in one of my favorite things to do alone. I put on some music that I didn't know the lyrics to and sang at the top of my lungs, guessing which word would come next. It mostly involved me being off-tune and making funny noises, but it was freeing and enjoyable. I'm sure we all have silly habits that we enjoy by ourselves. Singing like that and being goofy is one of my favorites.

Here are pictures from my adventure.


Old Town Shops


These ducks were so nice

Isn't She Lovely?

Pacific Northwest

Produce Market

I got some salad supplies

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