Tuesday, June 30, 2015


My friends and I have been discussing motivation and what it means to each of us. It is amazing how often people don't achieve goals due to a fear. According to Google.com, motivation is described as, "the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way." This is the thing I think we as humans don't follow through with. We forget that we have to create new behaviors if we want to achieve new dreams. This means having the courage and strength to be able to change at any moment to conquer your dreams. 

This theme was brought up again when I attended a special yoga event (pictured above). The studio I attend in Seattle hosted a yoga class at a local night club with a live DJ spinning tracks as we prospered through our vinyasa flow. The teacher of the class spoke about how if you want something, then you need to be it. You need to bring it into your every day and really own the process.

This idea couldn't have come to me at a better time. As I take this step out of Seattle and into San Francisco, I find myself wanting to develop myself and the reflection I give to the world. Change is hard, but it inspires growth. We need to evaluate what fears we have that are holding us back. We must then stand tall and tackle these fears, incorporating our new behaviors into our life to really strive for the life we are dreaming of.

So for July, I am going to take one moment each morning to remind myself of a one goal that I am working on. I'll hang a picture of it on my bathroom mirror and look at it each morning so that it is in the back of my mind as I live each day. Let's see what happens! 

By the way, does anyone have a photo of Channing Tatum that I can borrow? ;-)

Most of you know that Mt. Rainier inspires me. Here are some beautiful shots that I took recently.

Rainier in the distance

Rainier, like a cloud of hope

And just because-
Awesome cat mug

Oh, the places you'll go

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Grow Well Missouri

Wonderful things are happening in terms of food and community. One of my passions in life is teaching people how to grow their own food, especially people who might be trying to preserve their finances. Grow Well Missouri is a program that was created to do just that!

Grow Well Missouri is giving away starter plants in tote bags with a bit of education on how to care for and harvest the veggies. They are gaining participation with each addition of different vegetable and are beginning to teach many people how to grow high quality food for themselves. According to the article, the participants are enjoying this activity with their children.

I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I have a very strong desire for wanting more individuals to be eating fresh foods. There are so many horrible eating habits that are being passed to our next generations. What does it mean for our future if our childhood obesity rate continues to increase (we are over 1/3 of children being obese)? Is our nation able to step up and take responsibility for the health of its citizens?

Obviously I could write all day about how angry I am with the health status of the country I live in. There are many reasons that we are in this situation and I really hope that at some point we can turn the obesity rate around. Grow Well Missouri is beginning a great trend that will hopefully give rise to other programs that can provide people with a better quality of food. At this point, we all need to evaluate our health and strive towards better choices. In my opinion it is not the fault of the food companies. Consumers are giving money towards the growth of these companies. We need to re-evaluate these choices and stop giving so much growth to companies who aren't producing genuine food.


Also, is this real? If is it, is that considered child abuse?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summit Lake And Memories

Yesterday I went on the most incredible hike to Summit Lake with my good friend, Ranee. Located in Rainier territory, this hike is a low-key, relaxing hike with incredible views. I loved spotting Rainier poking his head out of the clouds as we drove up to the trail head. Unfortunately, it was too overcast by the time we climbed the mountain, so we didn't get a good view of him at the top.

While hiking, I thought about the incredible journeys I've had so far and how many more are yet to come. I thought about friends I've made, relationships I've had and how I miss many of them terribly. I felt moments of sadness and regret, but smiled with my memories. There are people who will stay in my heart forever. It is hard not having these people in my everyday life, but I am glad that I have these moments of brightness to think back on. My mom taught me that you can learn something from every single person that you meet. This has always held true and I feel so lucky to have learned so much from so many different kinds of people.

The future is not clear, but I do know that I continue to glow because of the ones I've met along my adventure. Enjoy these photos. They make me smile.

She is such a bright light

Rainier is behind those clouds. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Seattle Sunlight

I've always been very fortunate to have close friendships throughout my life. Do any of you remember my post about my best friend in college, Jade. We live 3000 miles apart and we still talk almost every day. Isn't that amazing?

As years build, so does the amount of amazing people I meet. My Seattle Sunlight is such an inspiring young woman who will definitely change this world for the better. Lisbeth and I first became friends when I invited her to my brunch club. After brunch we went on a hike and spoke about our aspirations in life. It was instantly clear that we would be great friends. And we have been. This spunky chick has been part of all my best memories of Seattle, from spending all day hiking to cutting loose on the dance floor. Saying goodbye to someone who constantly inspires me will be the hardest part of leaving this place.

Thank you, Lisbeth, for all that you are.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

If You're Going To San Francisco, Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair

Dear Friends,

I am moving to from Seattle to San Francisco to take a step forward in my career. This process started earlier this year when someone asked me what my 5 year plan was. I didn't have one at the time, but that question got me thinking and I quickly mapped out the next few years.

A month ago I was sent to work in our San Francisco site for a couple weeks. I saw opportunity to advance myself and take on a new roll that will guide me towards the finish line of my 5 year plan. I feel proud of my ability to do this, like a little nomad with passion for the unknown.

I'm looking forward to more sunshine, new adventures and the ability to explore a new area.

Have any suggestions for a new blog title?


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Craft Soda Fountain

PepsiCo is brilliant! They have created a soda fountain that will resemble draft beer. There will be exotic flavors featuring agave, tarragon and vanilla. All sodas will be made with cane sugar to entice the rising younger, educated population.

While I am not one to drink a lot of soda, I am very excited to see what this will look and taste like. I'm assuming that they will be featured at bars and restaurants around the country. Has anyone seen one yet?

Have a great day!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Lessons in Management

I have now been managing a team of around 40 associates for over a year. Performing this job will definitely force growth upon an individual. This year has taught me so much about how people want to be motivated. I have become so humble this year as I have continued to grow in my management style.

Yesterday I left work feeling confident in my managerial abilities. I have been with my new team for about 2 weeks and I am already seeing the affects of my leadership. This week we had associates really step out of their comfort zone to take the lead and work hard to inspire their teammates. I also was able to set up development plans for associates who want to actively work towards goals in their career. The team's performance was incredible and I felt so happy to see these results.

I truly feel that everyone needs to have their own managerial style; one that resembles who they are and what they believe. What works for me doesn't necessarily work for someone else. I have spent a lot of time evaluating my style and will never stop trying to learn new techniques that will make me a stronger manager.

Here are some guidelines I follow:

1. I believe that my team is only as strong as I encourage them to be. I set expectations regularly to allow associates to know the standards of the work that I want to have. I also follow up with them to make sure they understand.

2. I never ask someone to do a job that I cannot do myself. I make it a point to learn bits of every process so that I can always answer questions and earn the trust of my associate.

3. Humiliating someone is never the answer- I used to think that people performed better if they were embarrassed in front of their peers. This is probably because that is how I was coached in volleyball. I quickly learned that this is the biggest way to lose trust of an associate.

What I've learned recently:

1. Sometimes associates just need to talk to someone- I am constantly trying to solve everything, but sometimes associates don't need me to solve their problems. Sometimes they just want to vent.

2. Being a leader doesn't mean leading from the front- I've always been called a natural leader because of my ability to corral the troops. I am now realizing that sometimes I lead best when I allow others to take the reigns.

3. I need to take time for myself- I used to go all day without taking any breaks because I wanted to make sure I was there for my associates. A few months ago I started taking regular breaks throughout the day for food, water and breathing. I noticed that my mind works a lot better when I do this.

What I am still trying to figure out:

1. Does having composure mean never showing emotion?- I do a great job of never showing associates when I am upset. Recently a couple associates said that they want to see when I am upset because it will make them know that I care a lot about the work. Hmm?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Inexpensive, Healthy Food?


A former President of Trader Joe's is opening a grocery store that will have soon-to-expire foods for a very low price. The article below shows a photo of apples on sale for 49 cents per pound. WOOHOO! I am so happy that consumers will have a very cheap option for buying produce and other healthy food options.

Currently, consumers who don't or can't pay for healthy options find themselves purchasing cheap packages of processed foods or going through the drive thru for dinner on their way home. I am hoping that this store will provide families with an opportunity to not feel threatened by the expensive pricing of healthy food and begin to feed their children with wholesome nutrients.

How important is it to eat natural, nutrient-filled foods? VERY IMPORTANT! Especially for growing children. Today, obesity has struck over 1/3 of the child population in America. A lot of this has to do with the child not having healthy meals at home. Many pantries are filled with processed and sugar-filled foods that are damaging the health of our little ones.

While I believe that every consumer has a choice to purchase whatever they feel, I am so happy that there will be more inexpensive options for wholesome food.

The link to the article is below. Please read and spread the love.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

We Grow

A Recent Hike- This Is Real

I have 5 different posts about exciting food industry news that are ready to be published, but tonight I need to write one just for me. 

I came home after work feeling stressed, afraid and aggravated. I quickly put on some classical music and took a moment to myself. During my moment I read the most genuine post from a blogger that I have been following for over 5 years. And I am so glad that I did! I finished reading the post and something clicked inside of me. I felt so safe and pure. 

This excerpt really sums it up:  "I am not a great writer, so that can be scary to me. When I write longer posts I feel panicky before hitting publish. I would be the first to admit my lack in skill in that area. Especially my grammar! Oh my grammar! I write like a long, run-on train of thought. That’s who I am though. Fear never gets anyone anywhere. Being afraid of sharing, writing or a lack of skill just makes you frozen and stuck. Are there things you feel afraid of that are holding you back? Fear is a crazy, powerful thing that really can suck the life from you doing something you love." - JenLovesKev.com

What are you afraid of? What kind of pressure do we put on ourselves that stops us from feeling humble and being okay with just being where we are in that moment?

Right after I read this post a friend asked me how we respond when there is an obvious conflict. I simply responded by saying, "We grow."

And how do we grow? We need to be humble and confident that we will continue to rise up and push forward. Don't be afraid to be you and shine that onto the world. But also, never stop being modest and genuine towards the people and the Earth around you.

My heart is with all who have stumbled upon this post. Enjoy these pictures. They are moments that I've recently enjoyed by myself. Moments where I have grown.

Rooted Tree

This is where I do push ups at the park

My Bathroom Decor


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Glow From The Inside Out


I've always cared a lot about health and was raised by my Mother to understand that whatever I put into my body will affect how my body performs. I've recently been reading up on health that is specific to my body type. My body is insulin resistant, so I try to stay away from simple carbohydrates or foods that are high in sugar. The reason for this is because my body goes through a lot of work to create enough insulin to digest these foods and tends to keep an ongoing record of them on my waist-line.

What we eat EACH day is directly related to how we feel EACH day. I put this theory to the test a couple weeks ago when I only ate what I knew my insulin-resistant body would be able to digest easily. The truth is, eating healthy feels incredible! By the second day I was craving oatmeal with walnuts. Grandma jokes aside, my body knew what it wanted and it wanted something that would give me energy and make me feel alive (side note: I had frozen yogurt 2 times during the week. Being healthy doesn't mean giving up those little moments of pleasure!)

I believe that health begins with what we put into our bodies, but is comprised of so much more.

A few months ago someone asked me what kind of life I wanted to have in 5 years. I started realizing that my daily routine wasn't propelling me towards my end goal. This got me thinking about the life I wanted to have right now.

I've always wanted to live a life full of knowledge, activity, nature, health and friendships. I do a good job of getting outside, spending time with friends and staying active, but I saw that I had lost direction. I had gotten lost in the exhaustion of working long hours and being frustrated about the environment around me. I wasn't proud of myself or my current state. My glow was dimmed.

I am committing to live the lifestyle I have always wanted. I will give my body real nutrients and continue to find workout routines that really push me towards my health goals. I'll sacrifice that hour of sleeping in to wake up and work on skills that will allow me to progress in my career. I'll continue to read books that inspire me to think about things I've never realized before.

I realize how important it is to feel proud of yourself each day. This is the life I dream of. Why wait 5 years to live it? You can follow my progress on Instagram. I'll be periodically updating with the title: Project: Glow From The Inside Out.

How will you glow from the inside out?

Some of my glowing moments:

Little Si Hike

Writing in My Journal at Brunch

Plane Reading


Run At The Park