Monday, August 4, 2014

The Girl With The Glow

The Girl With The Glow
Most of us go through life finding things that inspire us and then we create goals to get closer to these inspirations. We define ourselves by interacting in social clubs or dressing our lives according to what we feel best displays our sense of mind. If you are very lucky, you will meet people who naturally bring out the qualities in yourself that you continue to search for a way to release. Interactions with these people are natural and allow you to be yourself without thinking about it. Most importantly, these interactions inspire you to be who you are inside and if you are extra lucky, these people will understand your qualities and inspire you to excel in them.

You become unlucky when these people are removed from your life. You find yourself searching for a way to have that self clarity and inspiration, but realize it doesn't come so easily. Little by little you will find yourself again. It is the challenge we must all accept so that each of us can grow closer to the things that inspire us the most.

I went for a run this morning and was finally able to find my true self again. I came upon a hidden park and started swinging. I ended up swinging for over 30 minutes and in that time I smiled as I watched the sun shine down on the trees. Doing this made me feel so connected to nature and to myself. My mind suddenly stopped attacking myself for not being "like everyone else." I knew that I would always be the girl who stopped to swing or who dances through her house. I knew that I would always feel things more than the average person and that sitting down to enjoy a meal and discussion with someone will mean more to me than any piece of jewelry ever will. I felt confident in all these things that make me Karli. It helped me to see that I need to follow this feeling and create moments to experience this confidence again.

We are all beautiful in our own ways. I encourage everyone to find time to have these moments. They can happen anywhere, doing anything. Some of you might enjoy these moments when you are alone. Some might enjoy them more with another person. You could find yourself while watching TV, working out, painting, hiking, etc... It doesn't matter because it is for you, and only you.

To quote the Alchemist, “In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left you.”

Start living with intention.

Some pictures from my morning run

HUGE Trees! 

The Park
The Swings

My View From The Swings

--The Girl With The Glow

1 comment:

  1. I like the squirrel. I wonder what it did next. It looks like a squirrel with a purpose.
