Thursday, July 23, 2015

What is Health?

A Kick-Start Breakfast

According to Webster's Dictionary, health is described as: 
  • the condition of being well or free from disease
  • the overall condition of someone's body or mind
  • the condition or state of something
There is one word that is used in all three of those definitions: condition. Health is a condition. What is a condition? Webster's Dictionary describes  the state of being conditional as: 
  • showing or used to show that something is true or happens only if something else is true or happens
This means that our health, or our state of wellness, happiness, etc..., is only existent if we contribute to it. Health is not only dependent on the 3-day juice cleanse that you did to rid your body of toxins or the diet that you performed for 2 weeks to weigh a few pounds less. It is something that you must contribute to every day. 

How do we contribute to our health? To be blunt, food is a large part of an individual's health. To say it simply, everything you put into your body will provide you with the energy (or feeling) that you have afterwards. Let's make it even simpler-- If you eat something unhealthy, you will feel unhealthy. 

When I first thought of this I had a small panic attack. I was worried that I had to give up chocolate and Thai food for the rest of my life if I wanted to be healthy. But friends, diets are not the answer. Moderation and life changes are the answer. 
My mom was adamant about a couple things while I was growing up. First, she wanted me to treat everyone with kindness. Second, she wanted me to take care of my body. She would say, "Karli, your health is the only thing you truly own in this world."

A few moments to enjoy a latte and journal after a yoga class. These moments make me smile. (yes, my background is a kick-ass picture of me shooting a gun)

Like most people, I've struggled with weight. Even now, I am not satisfied as I continue to push my health to new goals and achievements. But one thing is certain: I love my body and I do a very good job of contributing to it every day. For example, I haven't and never will give up Thai food, but I treat myself to my favorite lamb curry after a long day of hiking. 9.5 times out of 10 I will go home and make a healthy meal instead of eating food that isn't genuine. 

I believe that these are the lifestyle choices that we must make if we want to live life to the fullest. I encourage everyone to own their health. What does this mean? 
  • Create a workout that you enjoy doing, and do it regularly
  • Experiment new, genuine recipes that make you feel satisfied and alive
  • Learn something new that you've wanted to apply to a resume
  • Take a moment to be thankful for something in your life. Maybe even share it with someone.
  • Live a life that makes you want to jump out of bed every morning! 

I have so much fun taking care of my health. My passion for exercise and healthy eating is what propels me towards many of my adventures. For example, my passion for hiking takes me to different places all over the world. My passion for music straps me  to my piano each weekend, practicing new songs and singing out loud with myself. It is in these moments that I find myself and love the life I am living. 
Here is my challenge to you- choose one thing the rest of July that will contribute to your health. I am training for a race, so my one thing is to run every other day day, even if I only run 100 steps.  

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